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Scholarly Films


Title: Classpals
Authors: Hani MJ
Publication date: 2017
Abstract: The research was funded by the National Institute for Health Research Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care East Midlands. It was a partnership of regional health services, universities and industry which turns research into cost-saving and high-quality public health initiatives. This film translated the research into an accessible form distributed across educational establishments in the UK.
Commissioned by: NCSEM East Midlands


​Title: Circles UK
Authors: Hani MJ, Redpath K
Publication date: 10 November 2012
Abstract: 'Circles UK is a 10 minute DVD produced by Redpath Productions featuring comments from professionals working in and around the area of crime.  Such examples include Esther Rantzen, founder of ‘’Childline’, and Lord Ian Blair.  The DVD includes 'A Friend to Circles'. It has been disseminated to 660 Circles.


​Title: 'B Venture: Increasing resilience in children who have a parent in prison through the use of the Good Heart Model
Authors: Hani MJ
Publication date: 2012
Abstract: Using creative methods to tackle the detrimental effects of parental imprisonment and to promote emotional well-being in the context of criminology and for social benefit.
Commissioned by: Barnardos Orchard Mosaic


​Title: Strateni Animation Therapy; Employing the Animation process to tackle the negative effects of being a Roma child from care in Slovakia, Animation Therapy’
Authors: Hani MJ
Publication date: 2012
Abstract: Employing the animation process to tackle the negative effects experienced by Roma children in care in Eastern Europe; specifically addressing detrimental effects and physical and mental difficulties, such as attachment disorder, caused by the deprivation, discrimination and abuse.
Commissioned by: Teaching Fellowship Fund and the University of Sunderland, Estates


​Title: A Friend to Circles
Authors: Hani MJ
Publication date: 2011
Abstract: This film is the result of a methodology developed from using the Animation process to solve particular problems. In this instance, using the process as an active intervention to stop high-risk child sex offenders from reoffending. The process is a complex procedure that has been developed into an adaptable model (Hani, The Good Heart Model, 2011), which can be utilised in other problematic settings. GHM is a theoretical and practical methodology that references use of; Person-centred Therapy (C.Rogers); Ignatius Spirituality, The Good Lives model, a correctional and clinical rehabilitation model for sex offenders (T, Ward). Without using cameras, it develops the principles of auto ethnography, selective reflective practice and the facilitating therapeutic environment, person, production process and technique.
Commissioned by: Barnardos Orchard Mosaic, Circles COSA, HEART, University of Sunderland



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